Thursday, December 10, 2009

Embrace your shortness

Accept it. Look at yourself in the mirror. Don’t lie to yourself.
You need to stand on your toes to reach certain things. You can never be in the back of a group photo.
Don’t call it “being average” , say it with me: I AM SHORT
So? Does being short mean that automatically you became evil, stupid or handicapped? NO
I’m not going to mention all the remarkable short people that existed through history, because being short doesn’t mean you are by default smart or rich either.
But if you are short and make peace with that fact of life, you should also dress accordingly.
Do not wear clothes that are baggy on you, they don’t make you look taller (or thinner). They make you look like you borrowed your dad’s clothes. They make you look shorter. They make you look sloppy, non professional and not worth of any special attention (because you’d be hiding in those horrid clothes).
You should look like what you are: a unique being.
Regarding fashion currents, this is the perfect time to embrace your shortness: trouser pleats are finally “out” and skinny jeans, tapered pants and 2-button suits are in fashion; and because of the times, there’s an ever growing number of brands that make them at very accessible prices like Uniqlo, H&M and Topman.
So, go ahead, embrace your shortness. You are off to a great start.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Congratulations! You are part of the largest group of people in the world: short people (that’s 5’6 and below and yes, it includes a lot of Chinese people).

If you, like me, are a fashion minded person, odds are you have a very hard time looking for clothes: not only you need to look for style and fit and color (and nowadays price) but, guess what? If you are a little late, you won’t find your size, thanks to the other thousand short people that arrived first. Yes, we short people don’t have it easy.

On the other hand, when you are short it’s super easy to be NOT fashion minded: countless guys all over town dragging their pants and sporting shirts that make them look like they are bagged up instead of dressed testify to this.

Being short shouldn’t be a reason why not to dress well. So I’ve started this blog in order to lend a hand to all short people out there that want to amp up their style. I’m not here to decide what’s chic and what is not; every guy has a different taste, but every guy should aim to be and dress like a gentleman. Therefore I will not necessarily post on the latest on what’s going on with the fashion world but mostly just how to achieve a classic yet modern look, something that will always look good.

I will post tips on how to survive as a short well dressed man and also some looks that I like, mostly on me.

If you like or dislike something about it, don’t hesitate on dropping me a line about it.

Hope you enjoy this blog as much as I will making it.